The person called the father of mixed martial arts was of the opinion that the strength to overcome your opponent doesn't come from the bulging muscles but from an absolute focus.  Let me explain what it means by a focus. An Irving Jiu-Jitsu artist is taught the concepts like aliveness, energy and timing. These are the components of a martial art. These all boil down to word ‘aliveness. ‘It may puzzle so many of us to decode what it means to be alive in the context of MMA. The fighters such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mention economy of efforts a lot. The principle has a deeper, a spiritual dimension to it. When you practice it enough, you feel a sort of non-action in practice. That is what it means to be alive really.

Well, the principle of aliveness is possible when you try to be yourself. There is nobody other than a true Dfw Jiu Jitsu artist who can feel alive while fighting.  Bruce Lee had an unhealthy amount of interest in martial arts. He felt beautiful every time he came in contact with the martial artists or a grand master. He was so excited about martial art that he practiced it for its own sake. He trained himself to able to fight at the higher levels. You sense his degree of involvement in fighting when he is in the action. To be able to get fully involved in an act of fighting is being alive during fight.